The Leprechaun’s Guide to Confidence and Self Esteem

+FREE St. Patrick’s Day Worksheets!

As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, the air fills with tales of leprechauns—those clever, mischievous little beings guarding their pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. Within every child lies a treasure just as valuable: a strong sense of self-esteem. Like a leprechaun’s hidden gold, confidence can sometimes feel elusive for kids. This St. Patrick’s Day, let’s explore how to boost kids’ self-worth in small, intentional ways that feel like a sprinkle of luck or a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

Why Self-Esteem Feels Like Magic

Think of self-esteem as your kid’s pot of gold. When it’s full, kids have the courage to try new things—like joining a game or sharing an idea they have—because they know they’re worth it. It helps them stay steady when life throws challenges their way or make friends who treat them right. Kids with that spark are more likely to say, “I can do this!” instead of “I give up.” when things get hard. As adults, we know that feeling of low self-confidence. We’ve felt that wobbly, “I can’t do it” feeling plenty of times. Maybe we skipped a new workout class because we thought we’d trip over our feet, or we didn’t speak up at work because we feared sounding silly. Low confidence can deter us from trying new things or taking risks—like chasing a dream job or trying something new. It whispers, “Stay safe, don’t fail,” and suddenly we’re stuck, watching chances slip away like gold dust. Kids are the same way. If their pot of gold feels empty, even little challenges can seem huge, and setbacks might knock them down hard.

Self-esteem isn’t just about feeling good—it’s the foundation of a child’s mental health. Kids with healthy self-worth are likelier to take on challenges, form positive relationships, and manage setbacks without crumbling. But for many children, especially those grappling with anxiety, peer pressure, or self-doubt, confidence can seem as complicated to grasp as a leprechaun’s gold. The good news? We don’t need a four-leaf clover to help them find it. With consistent support and a few clever strategies, we can guide kids to see their own value.

Leprechaun Trick #1: Celebrate the Small Wins

Leprechauns are masters of hiding treasure in unexpected places. Similarly, kids often overlook their own accomplishments because they don’t seem “big” enough. As adults, we can shine a light on these hidden gems. Did a child finish a tough homework assignment? Share a kind word with a friend? Try something new, even if they stumble? Point it out! Say, “I noticed how hard you worked on that—your effort is pure gold!” You know your child better than anyone, and you know what makes them light up! For counselors or teachers, this could look like reflecting on these wins in sessions or class. Over time, kids start to see their own efforts.

Try This: Make a “Pot of Gold Strengths” Help kids create their own “Pot of gold strengths”. Have them talk about things that they are proud of themselves for with others. Whether it’s helping others, solving puzzles, or making people laugh, have them notice these traits often. For younger kids, you might guide them with prompts: “What’s one thing you did today that made you proud?” Teachers can adapt this as a classroom activity, while counselors can use it to shift focus from insecurities to abilities. This visual reminder becomes their pot of gold to revisit when self-doubt creeps in. Have them hang it up in their room during March! See the worksheets below to get a version of this!

Leprechaun Trick #2: Turn Mistakes into Mischief

Leprechauns are known for their playful tricks; we can borrow that mindset to reframe mistakes. When a child messes up—maybe they forget their lines in a school play or spill paint everywhere—encourage them to see it as a learning opportunity, not a failure. Shine more light on the positive traits and what they can learn rather than dwelling on the mistake itself. You can work on not bringing too much attention to the mistake so they see it as a normal part of life. Then, ask questions that get them thinking of what to do next time! Parents can model this at home by laughing off their own slip-ups and moving on. Teachers and counselors might weave it into lessons about growth. Normalizing mistakes as part of the journey helps kids shed perfectionism and hold onto their confidence.

Anxiety and self-doubt love to crash the party; teach kids they are trickier than a leprechaun! When those goblins grumble, “You can’t do it!” or “What if you mess up?” You can tell those goblins, “Shoo! I’m trying my best, and that’s enough.” Mistakes? They’re just part of the adventure. They’re just stepping stones to get me to the end of the rainbow.

Try This: Imagine your worry as a silly goblin dressed funny with a squeaky voice. Give it a funny name (like Grumpy McFrown) and say to it, “Shoo, Grumpy McFrown—I’m stronger than you!” See the free worksheets below!

Leprechaun Trick #3: Sprinkle Some Peer Magic and Share Your Sparkle

Leprechauns don’t work alone—they’ve got their fairy folk! Peer support can work wonders for self-esteem, too. Encourage kids to share their sparkle by noticing positive traits in each other. Try a St. Patrick’s Day-themed activity where kids write “lucky notes” to classmates or friends, highlighting what makes them special. Parents can foster this by arranging playdates with kind, supportive friends and encouraging their children to notice positive traits in others. If kids see strengths in others and speak those, they will begin to notice those same traits in themselves! Hearing positive feedback from peers can feel like finding a lucky charm—small, but oh-so-powerful.

Try this: Help a friend today, tell a silly story, or smile at someone—it’s like tossing gold coins their way. When you make others happy, it bounces back and makes you feel good, too! Check this out in the worksheets!

Leprechaun Trick #4: Build a Rainbow of Brave!

Like adults, confidence grows when we try new things, even if our tummy flips and we are nervous the whole time. Once we try something new, we realize it wasn’t as bad as we thought, and we gain confidence to do that thing more! For kids, imagine it like building a rainbow—one color at a time. Start small, like saying hi to a new kid or raising your hand in class. Each brave step adds a stripe to your rainbow. Every time you try something new, it gives you the confidence to continue going outside your comfort zone!

Try this: Take a moment today to try something new! Talk to your child about something small but new they can do to prove to themselves they can do it! This could be as simple as smiling at a kid in the grocery store. This does more for kids’ confidence than you think. As an adult, try this with them. It may be harder than you think! Check out the worksheet bundle for this!

The Real Pot of Gold: Consistency

For lots of kids, building self-esteem isn’t easy-peasy. Maybe anxiety’s buzzing in your head like a pesky bee, whispering, “What if I fail?” Or perhaps friends push you to fit in, making you wonder if you’re good enough. Self-doubt’s another sneaky goblin—it might say, “You’re not smart/funny/cool enough,” even when you’ve got tons of magic inside. But here’s the truth: you don’t have to grab it all at once—just a few shiny coins at a time will do! The magic isn’t in one grand gesture but in the steady drip of encouragement. Building self-esteem takes time, just like chasing a rainbow. Whether you’re a counselor weaving these tricks into therapy, a parent cheering from the sidelines, or a teacher planting seeds in the classroom, consistency is key. Keep celebrating wins, mapping strengths, reframing flops, and fostering connections. Over time, kids internalize the message: I am enough, just as I am.

A St. Patrick’s Day Challenge

This month, let’s channel our inner leprechauns and sprinkle some confidence-building magic into the lives of the kids we support. Challenge yourself to participate in the same activities as your kids. Sometimes, simple techniques, like kind words to ourselves daily, can have the most significant impact! Look at yourself the way you look at your child. See the strengths in yourself and notice those! Write them on your bathroom mirror or keep them as a background on your phone so you see them daily.


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