A Ducks Therapist

I believe in silly.

I believe in being yourself.

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It all began with a duck… well no… a therapist.

Okay here’s the actual scoop.

This website started with a passionate licensed therapist who loves all things mental health, art, and well… ducks. She simply enjoys helping the fellow helpers, creating things full of color and light, and just trying to figure out how to be human..

This therapist, while staying anonymous in this place, has a full caseload of clients with a broad age range and broad range of struggles.. She takes her current clients challenges, and creates worksheets, content and helpful resources to help guide teachers, parents, and other therapists. There are so many other helpers in the world! Sometimes those helpers need help. I know I do.

Let me know what you would like to see! I make things that are helpful in my work, but am so interested in other skills or recourses! Teach me your ways!

Contact me: aduckstherapist.com